Sunday, March 23, 2008

How To Get Pokemon Emerald On Gpsphone

Save time in Castiglione del Lago? Mission Impossible!

Castiglione del Lago - 10.00 am of Saturday, March 22, 2008, by the post office and there is a row of Castiglione absurd (as often happens after all). I just have to reload my mail pay ... I start in a row. The time goes quickly, but the line is still holding steady or nearly so. Only one door is open for payments. After nearly 20 minutes, you hear a voice from behind the glass, which says (if you want you can come here even for those who must pay) umh ... I here in the middle row, I sling the other door, but tac! Although I would have been the first one was already a new mini-line for those who were behind ... Well we should be unnecessary to discuss in the rest of Italy (as I jokingly cried out loud). The lady who had passed along pretends not to notice, but the person next to him can not fail to respond to my "provocation" that says, "we are in Italy and that means exactly, but rather ..." and the lady called saying he had to wait in line ... pretending nothing but our friend says "I'm sorry I did not own view - in the meantime, however, the transaction continues as if nothing had happened." Grin on his face, something that smart to do their cabbages to avoid creating confusion and eventually the tac 10.40 am and I can make my simple charge. I am dreaming or awake takes 40 minutes to an operation that requires 2!

Seeing that he was running late, I get in the car and arrive at the mall ... Agilla parking lot full but its collapse! Around round round I get a couple in their sixties coming out. Parking. Within the Coop to get two assets: a easter egg and a dove. That's all the boxes open, queues on each, even the aisles of shelves are jammed with trucks filled with processions of ... People laugh and joke, there are those who are lost in their thoughts ... there are those who speak in a loud voice, and exclaimed, "for luck in Italy there is a crisis!" or "shame on me I came to kill two nonsense, ah but I can not stay here all day I go, 'etc. etc.. Well you've made the 11:50 am I finally paid the cashier and ask "Excuse me, but you can not activate a box dedicated to those who have a few products, like for example in a service called ipercoop quick cash ... I do not oin time to finish the speech he interrupts me, exclaiming in disgust: this is not a coop ipercoop is a whole other world! We can not do a thing! Then I say more, if we did would be the same, both are full boxes: Do not you see? " and tells me the total. While I pay my answer always smiling and with a lot of education: "I know I'm patient I stood in line, but many customers like me who have 2 or 3 items to be bought, went back to the shelves in place and the goods are gone because There was too much to wait behind a truck full of products ... " She even answers me from the rest of me and greets me. E 'past noon, I just got burned mid-morning for a refill mail pay and buy two products at the supermarket .

Now who reads this story will have the points to make ... like, ah but it was Saturday, Holy Saturday even more frantic then etc etc.. You are right. But these problems are always there!

The issues for example, because in Castiglione del Lago is open exclusively in the morning? In many villages are also afternoon hours! If the morning are the 13 steps and there is a lot line, the office closes at 13.30, they send you away and you do if you have an 'urgent thing to do before midnight? Simple: you have to go Chiusi (located in Tuscany) to just over 20 km from Castiglione del Lago, where the post office hours worth of a company that makes the simple mail service is set to compete with banks and even with the stationers, and with the mobile operators! Absurd. To solve these problems maybe, official site the town of Castiglione locate the post office in an unused address, at least people are not arriving, and the problem as some might say, there! (The office is located in Via Fratelli Rosselli)

the Coop but a quick cash would be a perfect solution for equal time buyers who buy 2 items and carts full of stuff!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

How Long Lumbar Radiculopathy Pain Last

Road Lake Trasimeno: DOH! Homer Simpson exclaim

sore the Road to Lake Trasimeno. Stretches of roads impassable, especially in the surroundings of the town of Castiglione del Lago, but not all. Even the larger arteries, the famous streets extra-main, for example, even the Perugia bettolle! Fortunately, that sometimes some of the politicians 'major' notice ... Thanks Minister Di Pietro! ( Trasimeno Freestyle: PETER WRITES A CARLOIA ) The news was reported in those days by various local newspapers. Possible that after more than a month nothing happened?

to radio a few weeks ago I heard about the speakers who are experts interviewed in the behavior of motorists, apparently because many of habit walking perpetually in the fast lane no better or more passes on the far right lane ... related in particular to those highways with 3 or 4 lanes where all dispatched to run the lanes except the one or more to the right, but has left the emergency lane: D

WHY 'YOU SEE THE CONNECTION TRANSIT AUTO PERUGIA BETTOLLE the fast lane towards Perugia ESPECIALLY BUT NOT LIMITED TO? Simple answer! The right one is full of holes, drops and so on, as is the busiest, and then pass to the left .... you click on the left ... And when even that will be worn to the point of not being able to travel at a speed above 70 kmh? Simple! Lower the speed limit! Yeah! What a good solution ... used instead of 1 hour 30 minutes to reach Perugia ... Yet the town of Castiglione
Lake as I believe many other municipalities in Italy, chose this answer to counter the bad roads and badly reduced! You read absurd limits in areas absurd. Limit of 30 kmh over the lake, including private housing that runs from the roundabout Comunale Lido Cemetery. I challenge everyone to go to 30! At first the machine is based! For a scooter might be a bit 'better ... We return to the subway Via B. Buozzi, which connects to the junction for Plain Areas and Relief. 30kmh! In a downhill bike goes fast!
certainly say of who is to blame? Cuts to local governments? IT ALSO! ... If the rise in council tax is not enough to redress the balance, we place a great Speed \u200b\u200bcamera at least for certain some asshole that exceeds 30 per hour peck it anyway.

Will anything change in the future? "Manco pegnente" would say that in Terni. We trust that the Tav Trasimeno. : D