Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Psoriasis On Babys Back


Monday, December 20, 10:30 am at the State School of Tremesieri Gaetano Martino, SS 114 km 5.400-, Messina, will hold a press conference to present the candidature of the Norman Church Santa Maria in Mili San Pietro in the project'' Italian wonder.''

The National Youth Forum, the 'unique platform Italian national youth organizations, has promoted in recent months, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of' Unity 'Italy, the Italian project''Wonder''. The Italian project''Wonder''has as objective the creation of a tour of the wonders of lesser known Italian. A panel of judges represented by young people aged between 18 and 35 years, will select the nominations of sites between 1000 landscape, cultural heritage and cultural events collected by the National Youth Forum. To successful applications will be awarded the label of''Italian''Wonder.
's idea of \u200b\u200bthe application of the Norman Church of Santa Maria in Mili San Pietro Italian project''Wonder''is a collaboration between the Ionian associaioni, Giosefo Messina and LAG CTG''protect nature.'' The three associations in recent months, have worked on a common path, a veritable network of resources and experiences, with the 'objective to achieve in the short term recovery of' the whole complex of the Norman Church of Mili. L 'initiative because of the application, is animated by the hope that the symbolic value of the possible transfer of the label of''Italian''Wonder, will bring increased attention from the competent institutions of protection and restoration of the Church, which currently is in a state of decay and neglect .

Introduces the press conference of Ivan Tornese 'Association Ionian, followed by speeches of Lorenzo Floresta (National President Giosefo Italy), Sebastian Busato (LAG President, CTG''protect nature''), Eugenio Enea (Department of Culture Association Ionian ).
Thank you for your cooperation and the grant of the areas' Gaetano Martino isitituto''school'', in particular the Dean Prof. John Geres and the Vice-Dean Prof. Ida wine.

Associations: Ionian Giosefo Messina and LAG CTG

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pumpkin Spice Cookie Mix Betty Crocker Recipe

brief reflection on the movement of students and researchers

Despite the shameful attempts by some to discredit the press and certain politicians, the movement of students and researchers has launched important signal that unfortunately few have grasped. So far, except for sporadic cases, this is less violent student movement of history, perhaps the most creative banners on the rooftops and monuments of institutional buildings are the most prominent examples. Perhaps even more aware and open to dialogue with the institutions with clear ideas and concrete proposals: these days, one of rare signs of great vitality policy of this country.
Those that wish to study at home would do well to understand that it is there that you have to invest and start the selection of the new ruling class. This selection must start at the earliest, before it is too late and can no longer continue to do politics without values \u200b\u200band without ideals, then we should all be corrupt.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Black Mole That Hurts


family house of about 100 square meters with garage, courtyard, roof garden and solarium, all within a square base parallelepiped brick. The project is designed as a basic cell of a residential neighborhood, three sides (three kinds of roads: expressways, engineering and distribution cycle / pedestrian), one leaning on another cell.

Foot Traffic highways

Front viability of mechanical distribution

entrance on the main road

rear entrance through the garden

front on the bike path and pedestrian path

The courtyard

the living

the bedroom

the big arch (the only grand opening of the house)

The roof garden

The entry and stay

The dining room and kitchen

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whats Perfect Bmi For

Bad weather at this time the province of Perugia and

raining incessantly for many hours, and the province of Perugia. Several requests for assistance from the Fire Department shot down trees and flooding. Discomfort can be reported on the Trasimeno Lake area in the municipality Castiglione del Lago The torrent paganico one of the main tributaries of the fourth largest lake in Italy, near the village overflows Piana. Disruptions to traffic are caused mainly by water leaking from drains, blocked by shrubs and debris.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pink Metalcore Scooter Wheels

MEMBERS (or proof of implementation of IDX Renditioner Express)

Following the advice of the site HarwooPodcast I wanted to test the application IDX Renditioner Express although for the hardware at my disposal, response times are a little long ...
Obviously I still have to practice, but these are the first results, for a free, not bad right?

forgot ... The project is a home for the holidays on the Black Sea

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full Sew In With Side Bang


The Norman church of St Mary's Mill, with the 'attached Basilian monastery was built in the last decades of the' XI century, was inaugurated in 1092 and entrusted to the Basilian monks with a donation of Count Roger the Norman, which he buried his son Jordan, who died in battle near Syracuse.
This building was now an important center of religious and political 'area, encouraging the development of important economic activities such as silk production, the cultivation of land and the milling of wheat. Development of these activities is linked to the birth of the first settlements of Upper Mill (now Mill St. Peter's) and then Mili San Marco and Larderia Bottom. In 1866, following the revolutionary laws of the State unit, the monastery and the church were purchased from the State, the monastery was sold to individuals, mind, the church is still the fund's assets Temples of the Ministry of the Interior.

This is one of the earliest evidence of history, not only of the villages in the south, but 's entire city of Messina. In recent years, thanks to 'sustained efforts of the boys' association LAG Mili San Pietro, were carried out some restoration work in 1982, 2002 and 2006.
Ionian''''Our association, which is in charge of recovery and valorization of the history of the 'art and traditions of the villages in the area south of Messina, will attract the' attention on 'the current situation in terms' area where there is the Church. Four years after the 'last renovated in fact, the scenario is presented to the visitor is made of: grass, dirt and monastery in complete structural decay. E ' also clear, as has not yet been assigned to no destiny 'whole' s former Abbey of St. Peter's Mill.
There are numerous proposals of our own and other groups and individuals active in the area, all designed to restore dignity to this' important historic heritage. We at 'association Ionian''''believe, therefore, an urgent maintenance of the Norman Church of Santa Maria, at the same time, proceed to' development of a plan sivluppo and management for the 'whole area. It 'also important that the redevelopment and revitalization taking into account the requests and proposals from associations and other relevant representatives of the people and most importantly, which is aimed at 'launch of a promotion of cultural development, tourism and economic for the community of Mill St. Peter and in general for the' whole of the area south of the city of Messina.

Friday, September 17, 2010

What To Do With The Sock After Masterbation


With this news, the Club of the Democratic Party Contesse Spadaro Pippo''''intends to submit to 'care of' municipal administration of Messina, the situation of chaos and danger faced in the main thoroughfares of fractions Contesse, Minissale and Village UNRRA.
The streets of Via Marco Polo, Via Consular Valeria, Via Contesse Calispera Street and the stretch of State Road 114 from La Rosa off to 4.700 km, are captured daily by traffic jams, huge trucks, long and exhausting lines at any time of day. I will have the most critical periods during peak hours, when poured into the street workers and students who come from different school buildings in the area. To complete the picture, cars parked at every corner, even to prevent the passage of pedestrians and to cause major disruption to the elderly and disabled.
Some situations are unacceptable and lead us to take in 'a more immediate and constant presence of Traffic Police, often absent.

Our club, having long since revealed the inefficiency and the danger of the roads connecting the district II, has made known several proposals for solving the problem. For example, coverage of the river San Filippo, who would dispose of the movement of cars and particularly heavy goods vehicles from the industrial and commercial activities. This solution also would provide the territory of a further connection with the junction of San Filippo.

Possible to find resources to act on the problems of traffic in the territory of circoscrzione II, the town of Messina, has the receipts of the famous''''Ecopass. The amounts resulting from this measure, as stated in 'order''will be allocated to implement the operations, services and works related to the functionality of the system and the mobility improvement of environmental conditions and general livability of the city relating to traffic and urban mobility.''

The circle''Goofy''Spadaro will continue with other requests for emergency measures and other proposals, also showing the 'opportunity' s launch of a comparison table between the main protagonists in the territory, so to be studied once and for all problem of the viability of the second division.

Club of the Democratic Party of Contessa''Goofy''Spadaro
Ivan Mirko Stanislao Tornese
(Coordinator, mob. 3479659394)
Domenico Restuccia
(vice-coordinator, cell. 3403079392) Ciccio

Gallo (District II Director, cell. 3478855804)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eat Grapefruit While Taking Coversyl

Latimer: while the Mayor tries to resuscitate the country, died transparency and right to information.

Availability professional Gianluca Urges Young computerized Latiano that eight years living and working in Florence, offered free to the Mayor De Giorgi and which would benefit the ' latianese entire community, as well as being praiseworthy comes at a very opportune moment. A first speech of Mr. Urges computer should be directed to the site of the City, where several multimedia areas are not updated for at least six years. This is the case of links Board Resolutions and Council resolutions that are at a standstill until 2004 although the law obliges the public administration (Including municipalities) to set up websites to allow "accessibility of information in digital mode 'at all (Law 82/2005) and although there is an obligation to facilitate access for disabled people to information, preserving" the right of everyone to access all sources of information and related services "(Law 4 / 2004). Unfortunately, despite the presence of experienced legal professionals in the current junta, the deficiencies reported to have escaped those who want to "resurrect Latimer."
About the site in question is to be noted that another shortcoming - as they say the shyster - " someone is likely to pay . Let me explain.
In September 2008, following a report addressed to the mayor my Zizzi, was inserted into the link Transparency, assessment and concerning by virtue of the Finance Act of Prodi (244/2007) which requires the mandatory publication of information on "collaborations External. In other words, through the website of the common people must know who are the collaborators, and the reason that they take the assignment, and "in case of failure to publish, payment of the consideration for the positions of collaboration or advice referred to This paragraph constitutes a disciplinary offense and determines public tax liability of the manager charge "(article 3 paragraph 54). The fact is that the link in question appears to be rather "bald" in spite of the current on external collaborations junta has experienced periods of political crisis.
At this point a question arises: why the publication of the resolutions and data on external collaborations, important to assess the political and administrative behavior of the junta, has escaped to our administrators? The fact is that the lack of information to the website of the town of Latimer, as well as being unacceptable from the ethical, is illegal under the legislation. It is also relevant that advisors, Cabinet members and the entourage of people that come are quite experienced in using blogs, websites, multimedia areas to attack their political opponents or to defend against attacks of others. It would be good, however, if they use their skills to make accessible to all citizens of the decisions of the majority.
conclusion might be useful to the Mayor De Giorgi collaboration free Gianluca Urges that the administrative action of his junta would be transparent and legally sound. Finally, I add that you can not "resurrect" a city is allowed to die while administrative transparency and the right of citizens.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Career Versus Relationship


It's amazing how in recent years the area of \u200b\u200bCape Pelorus has become one of the most negative of neglect of the city of Messina, to do so ashamed of the Messina citizens who would boast of one of the most beautiful coastal city that might have.
pits, waste, wild parks, drill sites, abandoned structures. E 'in the state facing one of the most beautiful and strategic economic development of the city of Messina. These are elements that suggest the total resignation of an 'area destined to become the site of the yards of the phantom Strait Bridge''.'' It 'obvious that nothing has been done in recent years to develop one of the most important economic sectors for the city of Messina, the tourism sector.
Messina was declared by the City Region economy mainly tourists. In fact, apart from the cruise, the situation is tragic: the city of the strait do not even have a Head of Tourism. One of the paradoxes
more examples deals with the area of \u200b\u200bCape Pelorus. An 'area for its scenic beauty and appearance would be destined to become leaders in the tourism industry of the south, but in recent years has followed a road and a path that led her to be at least competitive. Lacks a strategic plan for modernization and promotion of tourism, the area fails to attract a large number of tourists and consequently the 'economy is being supported mainly by people just Messina.
We believe therefore that this may be a reason to continue our battle against the bridge over the Straits and against whom evil is managing our city fade leaving many opportunities for economic development of our territory, as with that of tourism. Centro Servizi Guernica

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wrestling Buddies John Cena


A steep slope, long and narrow, with access from above. At the sides of large apartment buildings: one facing south towards pleasant valley, the distant sea. A family with two young children, headed to work, occasionally, at home and get people ...

... travel, sea, nature and good food.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Runny Nose During Pneumonia From Antibiotics

Oria: the case of oratory SING, Ernesto Ciccarese interview Roberto Schifone

The appointment is in front of the Municipality of Oria, in advance and are for a quarter of an hour I'm enjoying the spectacle of women's beach volleyball match held on the forecourt of the Town Hall. Robert comes with a few minutes late, apologized and said that the commitments of the oratorio at this time I have a lot (even after we explain what they are). Roberto Schifone is a tall and sturdy, affable manners of those who formed their own parish activities. For more than a month has hired a tug of war with the city administration regarding the eviction of the oratorio Oria SING (We The New Day) by the local host. We sit at the bar with two girls accompanying him to the oratory almost immediately what must have been an interview becomes a conversation.

As the story begins oratory SING?
The June 4th I serve an order of forced evictions in 10 days by the city of Oria. Subject of the Ordinance are the local SING oratory, near the park Montalbano, owned by the municipality. The motivation is that of the classes necessary to transfer the Institute for Tourism Business, hosted so far at the middle school, "Francesco Militia "on the premises is located in the oratory. That same evening, through a press release through the Internet, through word of mouth I circulate the news. The response of those who are familiar with the story of the oratorio was immediate, a special unit set up at FB in a few hours reached 1600 members.

There is a reason that explains the enormous mobilization that has taken place for the oratory SING?
certainly twenty years of history have allowed us to have strong and deep roots, to have an experience that they have reached, with the continued commitment, "latitude" very distant.
Then there is the daily effort of the oratory that involves non-disabled children, disabled children, children entrusted to us by the Juvenile Court of Lecce, which is facing a reintegration plan. For a total of about 400 people. So we speak of a fact closely related to the social fabric of Oria

"These are the battles of civilization that men of good will need to know to fight because he is anxious that the weak can not fall on the edge of a road ' . Strong words in the letter of solidarity that has sent the Bishop Emeritus of Acerra Riboldi Bishop, known for his efforts against the Camorra.
solidarity and participation was an essential component of the whole experience. In addition to Bishop Riboldi have mobilized other well-known personalities including Magdi Cristiano Allam, Maria Falcone, the Bishop of Acqui Terme. An important work of mediation was also conducted by the Bishop of Bishop Vincent Oria Pisanelli. But particularly strong was the presence of ordinary people who followed us in demonstrations, in garrisons and in the long single-issue municipal councils.

Well solidarity of civil society and the Church, but what was the attitude of the political world?
The question of eviction of
Singh has made a sort of watershed in the political world. We have been pleased by the President of the Province Massimo Ferrarese that has taken a clear position for us to mobilize on the case until the entire provincial government. There was also involvement of Senator Joseph Caforio and many other politicians in the area. While the political world oritano was completely incompetent, not only to find a solution, but also to take a clear position. This was really a matter of great sadness on our part. In this respect, was emblematic of the political breakdown of progress made during the council monothematic Oratory, when politicians, instead of finding a solution to this sensitive issue, I could only fight, leaving the Mayor Ferretti for two days without a majority. Surely it was not a pretty sight even for the hundreds of people who, after following the session of the city for five hours, left the council chamber with faces marked by disillusionment and dall'avvilimento.

Then, there was a time when the failure of City of sorties a solution has laid a heavy depression.
A distress in men and not God if the speaker was born twenty years ago has overcome so many difficult times, including that, it means that not only by men, but it is mainly the work of God in these days of preparations for transferring the quantity of goods that the kids are packing, including about three thousand books, makes you understand real value of a journey that lasted two decades can not be only by men. For us it is evident the hand of providence. Eviction oratory Singh was a test of faith that has strengthened, despite the moments of despair, our conviction to act for the good of others.

Eventually the "good news" there was!
The mayor, thanks to has received numerous pressures from all sides has made available, from July 13, the rooms via Frascati. Also - you're EXTRA the first to know - the mayor and city councilor Ferretti Glauco Caniglia (vice president of Spatial Setting) from a few hours have told us that within six months Frascata equip the facility via a lift to make new buildings accessible to many disabled people who attend the chapel.

Another step forward in a way not easy, however, that she has been able to deal with.
I first noted that the chapel has a spiritual director, Father Daniel Conte, a board (of which I am one too) which, although less visible, have formed the core compact that has supported all the stories I mentioned.
said that, in my experience I can say that, as regional head of the Movement for Children, are involved in Apulia for twenty years. In which I have fought for recognition of rights to unwed mothers, to women victims of domestic violence in abused children. But I never thought of having to find in a tussle with the administration of my country to defend an institution whose sole purpose is to interest the next. It was this experience that much I tried, but had to be made. Staying In these days with the dirty boys of painting, while whitening the new premises to house the chapel, is the greatest reward you could wish for. Doing something for the last of this company, for the most unfortunate, for the drug dealer who is entrusted to us by the court, it gives me the best thing that can exist.

In conclusion, there is a recipe that allowed you, despite the difficulties, tick?
Many young South participating in movements that are concerned with big issues, then on home territory are unable to mobilize even on small issues that still makes it hard for the everyday life of many citizens. We, however, we did a reverse path, we chose to be close to people that every day we walk the journey of life. Certainly it is not easy to keep motivation high, especially when you are confronted with political and administrative realities with which you are unable to establish any dialogue. Discouragement c'avrebbe certainly did not give up everything if we had twenty years of history behind us and if our struggle was not supported by prayer.

The pleasant conversation with Roberto Schifone ends with 's invitation, which certainly will not fail to participate in the inauguration of new building of the oratory that will take place on the premises of Via Frascati between late September and early October.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Schwarzkopf Products Philippines


The circle of the Democratic Party of Contessa''Goofy''Spadaro joined the demonstration''Enough''issued in Tir Committee''Our Town''on August 3, 2010, 12:00 am, at Largo Squad ward Minissale.

Nell 'join the' initiative of the committee''Our Town,''the club''Goofy''Spadaro, points out that, besides the age-old problem of 'crossing of Tir, the area affected by' accident until to reach the 4700 km of National Road 114, also suffers from years of lack of 'proper planning of the general traffic.

One problem, that of the roads in the south, which is becoming increasingly urgent, and as in the dramatic episode of boy hit by a truck 10 years, also puts at risk the safety of citizens.
In recent years, in the territory of the Second District, next to 'huge expansion of trade and construction, there has been a strengthening of measures for monitoring and prevention of traffic phenomena such as the wild stops of motorists.

Many times, our club has reiterated the need to rethink the 'whole road network in the south, in particular by supporting the project of building a road alternative el' identification of certain areas for parking. Unfortunately, we continue to record low level of activity on the part of institutional actors in assessing local problems and find solutions in reasonable time

Nell ' immediate circle''Goofy''Spadaro intends to create a demand for more effective action on the viability of the Strata Statale 114, through a greater and constant presence of Traffic Police, particularly in the most critical features such as the 3.400 km of the ward Minissale , the site of serious accident.

Democratic Club parity''Goofy''Spadaro
Ivan Mirko Stanislao Tornese

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Outdoor Santa Claus, Molded Plastic

"cinisi them (phlebotomy) to Latimer

They are called " sand flies (Phlebotomus papatasi ) insects during the evening hours , molested latianesi who, driven out of their homes by the summer heat, try refreshing the streets of the country. In our dialect the annoying insects are called " cinisi " (with the main stress the first "i" to avoid confusion with the Chinese) and according to the experience of grandparents their bites are more dangerous than those of mosquitoes.
The medical and scientific information on sand flies (sandflies), reaffirm that accidental ingestion of larvae cause intestinal myiasis occurring form of colitis and inhalation of fragments of the body of adults may cause the onset of asthma diseases. The bite of sand flies or "sand flies" can be particularly painful and the injection of saliva cause allergic reactions occurring with fever and headache . In addition to direct damage, it should be mentioned, because of its greater importance, due to the indirect transmission of pathogens such as viruses , bacteria and protozoa .
The larvae can be found in damp rich in organic matter decomposition. The range of microenvironments colonized is very large: they found in bedding plants, in decaying wood and soil is very wet in the droppings.

According to the unlucky fellow's long-standing bugs find their habitat in the sewer pipes white. At this point we wanted to do an inspection of the drains via Cavour (a cross between City Hall / Post) via mustica, Station Square, Via De Virgilis where we have received the most recommendations. In fact, as evidenced by the photos (click on it to enlarge), involved the conduct of pest control as much need of cleaning. Particularly serious the situation appeared to us via De Virgilis where the wells are full of soil and leaves, are also undermined the basic function of drainage.
Is it possible that this kind of reports come to us without first to get to our directors, in addition, receive a salary to solve these problems? For the gentlemen who "sit at City Hall" is well known that in the event of injury to people or property resulting from flooding or hygienic reasons, the circumstances described integrates a clear assumption of responsibility in what housing ex art. 2051 cc?
Meanwhile my fellow citizens that is not the usual "slapping" in an attempt to weed out the group of "sand flies" accompanying each slap with the exclamation "you will cinisi them horns."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Secretions Before Menstruation

vicissitudes in the comic drama of Health Puglia

publish the letter sent to President Vendola, Tommaso Fiore alderman and the director general of the Asl Brindisi, following the reply dall'URP ASL Brindisi after Ernesto had Ciccarese complained the wait more than four months for an MRI

the President of the Puglia Region
Dr. Nichi Vendola
segreteria.presidente @

Councillor for Health Dr. Thomas Fiore
t .

General Manager ASL Brindisi
Dr. Rodolfo Rollo

Following the interest of the Regional health Dr. Thomas Flower, l ' Public Relations Office of ASL Brindisi, directed by Dr. Joseph Scarano, sent me the following mail:

Dear user, we have received through official channels His warning about waiting times for MRI.
Specifically we would like to present some options (because of the inability to use the device as NMR Mesa waiting for repair):
• a request for urgent consideration as certified by a medical specialist could provide opportunities to shorten execution time of the examination required;
news • by directly hired by the Regional Call Center at the Studio Calabrese Cavallino (LE) - tel. 0832/613113-1 mail and you can make the MRI examination in the Convention.
This Office, however, remains available as were occur in relation to the needs represented.
Mino Danish

then I should: 1
. Go to my doctor, to prescribe me another specialist visit and book again to get the "request for urgent consideration." € 36 minimum transaction cost, open-ended. Otherwise I might go to a private specialist who, after paying a minimum fee of 80 €, I would release quickly the certification request.
2. Calabrese called the study of Cavallino (Le), a town located about 80 km from Latimer, and book review in this center. Considering I should go study Calabrese at least twice, once to take the exam and another to receive the report, I will go 320 kilometers (4X80), and if God will help me saving me from the dangers of the road, it will cost, in addition to € 36 a ticket, another 30 Euro for petrol.
One wonders if this is a joke. Unfortunately, no! This is terrifyingly real. I would not think of what could prove an elder who has lost its autonomy in the face of such a situation. Or the worker or laborer that because of the knee injury can not drive, or do not have the money to pay for the extras that are required. The resulting situation is purely Fantozziana, but while the character of Paul Village was moving in a comic, the experience that the health service is giving me Puglia has all the appearance of a drama. Sincerely

Enesto Ciccarese