Musarò Who is Donald? A Brindisi like many others, has a wife and a daughter of 13. The girl suffers from a serious form of scoliosis that determine constant fainting spells and a lot of anguish. The family expects Musarò nine months the classic "call" from the Policlinico of Bari for the operation of the girl. But as happens to all the "nobodies" who turn to health care, even for urgent cases Donato Musarò must wait. He waited for nine months and then yesterday morning, perhaps after crossing for the umpteenth Once the eyes of his daughter, went to chain at the entrance of the Municipality of Brindisi for help to "men of the palace." The Councillor for Social Policies, Gabriella Eagle, has heard the desperate parents eventually found, through a round of calls, the solution that poor Donald was trying desperately and unsuccessfully for nine months. Finally given way to the clinic it turned out, little can finally be made.
The episode has all the characters to draw a stamp of Manzoni's story: the desperate poor, the benevolent ladies (one who has power) and providence. But the company Manzoni was a society of two centuries ago that still had to be born Italian state with its institutions, its laws, its principles of freedom and equality. Instead it is the absence of equality to produce children of past episodes. But there you see the judge, or an honorable, a president of the region, but also a city councilor do the same thing he did Donato Musarò? Surely not! For whom some have called "the caste" does not need to go to stamp the recipe to visit their children, or wait for nine months (in other cases we are talking about years) call for action. However, it could happen that the site is intended for any Musarò occupied by cases "unfairly" urgent people of caste.
I believe in our political and social culture of the principle of equality does not exist and nor we citizens are trained to consider a right. In fact, the effects of inequality are felt by the latter as a load where you can not rid of it and bring all of you must bear its burden because you're nobody. You seem very harsh my account, but look around and you will find, even in little everyday things, how much inequality, injustice and with it, exists in our society. What happened to Musarò should make us think about what we "Less equal" before those who have the power to decide for our lives and sometimes our lives.