Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full Sew In With Side Bang


The Norman church of St Mary's Mill, with the 'attached Basilian monastery was built in the last decades of the' XI century, was inaugurated in 1092 and entrusted to the Basilian monks with a donation of Count Roger the Norman, which he buried his son Jordan, who died in battle near Syracuse.
This building was now an important center of religious and political 'area, encouraging the development of important economic activities such as silk production, the cultivation of land and the milling of wheat. Development of these activities is linked to the birth of the first settlements of Upper Mill (now Mill St. Peter's) and then Mili San Marco and Larderia Bottom. In 1866, following the revolutionary laws of the State unit, the monastery and the church were purchased from the State, the monastery was sold to individuals, mind, the church is still the fund's assets Temples of the Ministry of the Interior.

This is one of the earliest evidence of history, not only of the villages in the south, but 's entire city of Messina. In recent years, thanks to 'sustained efforts of the boys' association LAG Mili San Pietro, were carried out some restoration work in 1982, 2002 and 2006.
Ionian''''Our association, which is in charge of recovery and valorization of the history of the 'art and traditions of the villages in the area south of Messina, will attract the' attention on 'the current situation in terms' area where there is the Church. Four years after the 'last renovated in fact, the scenario is presented to the visitor is made of: grass, dirt and monastery in complete structural decay. E ' also clear, as has not yet been assigned to no destiny 'whole' s former Abbey of St. Peter's Mill.
There are numerous proposals of our own and other groups and individuals active in the area, all designed to restore dignity to this' important historic heritage. We at 'association Ionian''''believe, therefore, an urgent maintenance of the Norman Church of Santa Maria, at the same time, proceed to' development of a plan sivluppo and management for the 'whole area. It 'also important that the redevelopment and revitalization taking into account the requests and proposals from associations and other relevant representatives of the people and most importantly, which is aimed at 'launch of a promotion of cultural development, tourism and economic for the community of Mill St. Peter and in general for the' whole of the area south of the city of Messina.

Friday, September 17, 2010

What To Do With The Sock After Masterbation


With this news, the Club of the Democratic Party Contesse Spadaro Pippo''''intends to submit to 'care of' municipal administration of Messina, the situation of chaos and danger faced in the main thoroughfares of fractions Contesse, Minissale and Village UNRRA.
The streets of Via Marco Polo, Via Consular Valeria, Via Contesse Calispera Street and the stretch of State Road 114 from La Rosa off to 4.700 km, are captured daily by traffic jams, huge trucks, long and exhausting lines at any time of day. I will have the most critical periods during peak hours, when poured into the street workers and students who come from different school buildings in the area. To complete the picture, cars parked at every corner, even to prevent the passage of pedestrians and to cause major disruption to the elderly and disabled.
Some situations are unacceptable and lead us to take in 'a more immediate and constant presence of Traffic Police, often absent.

Our club, having long since revealed the inefficiency and the danger of the roads connecting the district II, has made known several proposals for solving the problem. For example, coverage of the river San Filippo, who would dispose of the movement of cars and particularly heavy goods vehicles from the industrial and commercial activities. This solution also would provide the territory of a further connection with the junction of San Filippo.

Possible to find resources to act on the problems of traffic in the territory of circoscrzione II, the town of Messina, has the receipts of the famous''''Ecopass. The amounts resulting from this measure, as stated in 'order''will be allocated to implement the operations, services and works related to the functionality of the system and the mobility improvement of environmental conditions and general livability of the city relating to traffic and urban mobility.''

The circle''Goofy''Spadaro will continue with other requests for emergency measures and other proposals, also showing the 'opportunity' s launch of a comparison table between the main protagonists in the territory, so to be studied once and for all problem of the viability of the second division.

Club of the Democratic Party of Contessa''Goofy''Spadaro
Ivan Mirko Stanislao Tornese
(Coordinator, mob. Ivantornesi@gmail.com 3479659394)
Domenico Restuccia
(vice-coordinator, cell. 3403079392) Ciccio

Gallo (District II Director, cell. 3478855804)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eat Grapefruit While Taking Coversyl

Latimer: while the Mayor tries to resuscitate the country, died transparency and right to information.

Availability professional Gianluca Urges Young computerized Latiano that eight years living and working in Florence, offered free to the Mayor De Giorgi and which would benefit the ' latianese entire community, as well as being praiseworthy comes at a very opportune moment. A first speech of Mr. Urges computer should be directed to the site of the City, where several multimedia areas are not updated for at least six years. This is the case of links Board Resolutions and Council resolutions that are at a standstill until 2004 although the law obliges the public administration (Including municipalities) to set up websites to allow "accessibility of information in digital mode 'at all (Law 82/2005) and although there is an obligation to facilitate access for disabled people to information, preserving" the right of everyone to access all sources of information and related services "(Law 4 / 2004). Unfortunately, despite the presence of experienced legal professionals in the current junta, the deficiencies reported to have escaped those who want to "resurrect Latimer."
About the site in question is to be noted that another shortcoming - as they say the shyster - " someone is likely to pay . Let me explain.
In September 2008, following a report addressed to the mayor my Zizzi, was inserted into the link Transparency, assessment and concerning by virtue of the Finance Act of Prodi (244/2007) which requires the mandatory publication of information on "collaborations External. In other words, through the website of the common people must know who are the collaborators, and the reason that they take the assignment, and "in case of failure to publish, payment of the consideration for the positions of collaboration or advice referred to This paragraph constitutes a disciplinary offense and determines public tax liability of the manager charge "(article 3 paragraph 54). The fact is that the link in question appears to be rather "bald" in spite of the current on external collaborations junta has experienced periods of political crisis.
At this point a question arises: why the publication of the resolutions and data on external collaborations, important to assess the political and administrative behavior of the junta, has escaped to our administrators? The fact is that the lack of information to the website of the town of Latimer, as well as being unacceptable from the ethical, is illegal under the legislation. It is also relevant that advisors, Cabinet members and the entourage of people that come are quite experienced in using blogs, websites, multimedia areas to attack their political opponents or to defend against attacks of others. It would be good, however, if they use their skills to make accessible to all citizens of the decisions of the majority.
conclusion might be useful to the Mayor De Giorgi collaboration free Gianluca Urges that the administrative action of his junta would be transparent and legally sound. Finally, I add that you can not "resurrect" a city is allowed to die while administrative transparency and the right of citizens.