Friday, February 19, 2010

Mario And Yoshi Games

Latimer: the words of Carlo Pignatelli and the fear of dreaming

In an interview with Catena Fiorello ( Carlo Pignatelli, the question "where were you born?" The the famous fashion designer said " to Latimer, a village 15 km from Brindisi, very small, but over the years did not even great efforts to improve. So every time I go back I think with profound regret that nothing has happened again and nothing beautiful . "

Carlo Pignatelli's response is both sharp and realistic that I will not conceal, he yielded in me a strong effect of disturbance, and because of the contingency the next elections may give rise to thoughts and intentions which could make a fresh start in community Latianese. Far be it from me the desire to manipulate the statement of the famous designer for electoral purposes, but I would like to share with you some considerations that are essential to shape a constructive approach. What
Latimer is under the eyes of all: the local politicians, citizens, children helpless in front of the ugliness and lack of structures aimed at their growth. Latimer is a suburb of the South, where young people just want to escape, perhaps not far away, sometimes enough to live in Lecce to play the opportunity to try to realize a dream, which often has proven a fine project. Latimer is the place where more and more young parents dream that in the future will escape with their children, even in cities where they are going to study.
Latimer Today may very well be the ideal laboratory for some sociologist who wants to understand the effects (negative) impact of aging. Direct effect of senility is the uncontrolled spread of unhealthy "wisdom", such as sorting the worst effects of unconsciousness, as the force (because of constraint they are) who presents a new way to go if he wants to give himself an opportunity.
But the thing that paralyzes most of Latimer is fear. An atavistic fear that I believe we latianesi send us for generations, which once was to the bosses, then to the Mafia, now for the future. A fear that, for more than twenty years, makes us totally immobile. In this stagnation were the only ones to move the politicians, a sort of pathetic but effective individuals motivated by careerism, which have plunged the country into an abyss of intellectual and economic poverty that makes it increasingly difficult to lift.

Latiano What do you need today?

1. A commercial and entrepreneurial class that supports this or that politician just to get a personal return, often to the detriment of the entire community. Besides, many of the current politicians have learned, in various forms, to make employers and therefore be unfair competition for entrepreneurs to professional.

2. Of a political class capable of formulating a project and made so as to create conditions for real growth for the whole community and not to promote an individual or a particular group of friends.

3. Of a citizenry that is shaken off the torpor in which she has fallen, not swallow all the daily hardships, the result of administrative disaster, pushing down with the phrase "And got it to but lights!?" As if they were pills to swallow with the usual glass of water.

4. Of a class of professionals who do not exploit the higher level of education to win votes from citizens, or favor from politicians

5. Of intellectuals who stop living in a world of ideas and speculations that traversed the brain, producing only sterile criticism of the small world around them. I believe that it is this group of professors, painters, poets, sculptors, writers, musicians, intellectuals can be decisive for the number of awakening and a revival of Latimer

Finally I would urge the younger ones to believe strongly in their dreams and not to lose hope that they can be realized even in a country like Latimer, since most of the good politicians, honest businessmen, intellectuals, Latimer needs of their own dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt said: " the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams "


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