Monday, May 12, 2008

Jc Penney Salon Pricing

Telecom Scandal in Castiglione del Lago: unsubscribe ADSL? You can never turn

really outrageous what happened in Castiglione del Lago, a user Telecom Italy. From 3 years using in addition to telecom operator Infostrada only for ADSL. Views propostegli Telecom offers to go to Alice, decides one day to send notice to Infostrada to activate the offer all-inclusive with Alice 7MB speed. ERROR PIU 'GROSSO DO THAT WAS UNFORTUNATELY. Infostrada has since stopped providing the service, he forwarded the request for online activation of Alice and everything went well. 24 hours after you receive notice that you can not activate sula ADSL line for a central problem. Is automatically called to the 187 subscribers to ask for explanations ... the operator over the phone to confirm what was written by e-mail with arrogant to boot, add also the phrase: CAN NOT 'NEVER ACTIVATE ADSL ON THIS NUMBER, YOUR DREAMS EVEN IF IT IS TO ACTIVATE ADSL THAT ANY OTHER KIND OF SERVICE! IT WILL 'SATISFIED WITH ITS CURRENT USE THE NUMBER TO RECEIVE CALLS AND SEND. And 'normal anger of the customer who has paid for over 30 years in Telecom Italy in addition to phone calls a fixed fee, then to have these huge problems, and moreover also be badly treated by the operator!
you try again at this point, the reactivation of the ADSL service with Infostrada ... the operator is gentle, and telephone reassurance to the lady, saying that there will be problems. Instead, here comes days after an email from customer service Infostrada, which signals a halt to the reactivation Telcom imposed by Italy on the number.
you think this is a story ... But no way! E 'pure truth!
a cry of shame and 'a must! SHAME THAT THIS COMPANY SUCKS WITH THE MONEY THAT IT TAKES FOR A FEE NOT EVEN BE services, but to urge users to ACTIVATE ADSL ALICE making terminate the contract with other vendors to POI FRIGATE. Carlo LORD OUR COUNTRY THIS IS CALLED FRAUD! A REAL SCAM!

Where will these steps in Italy?!

a cordial greeting from the staff of this blog.

PS: We report on this link a similar problem: adsl-not-ull.html

But they are about who cancels Telcom to switch to another operator, which has never happened but by this user.


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