The electoral campaign has quietly passed the initiative by the Coldiretti "Market Friendly Country ", but it deserves careful consideration by both the citizens, mainly from the candidates in the upcoming municipal. The initiative provides Every Saturday, the direct sale of agricultural products in Piazza Umberto I from 08,30 to 13,00. The objectives that "The market Country Girls" aims are: to ensure the authenticity and quality, shorten the supply chain focusing on energy saving, cost saving in expenditure.
But who pays attention to the local economy is aware that agriculture is the largest locally available resources, needs to be rethought, revamped and relaunched.
By now the two most important agricultural crops, olives and grapes, seem to be more commercially competitive, so much so that sales prices do not guarantee the manufacturer nor the costs incurred. So what can be done to make the most important resource of the area can continue to support the local economy? What should the policy for the revival of agricultural entrepreneurship?
policy must first create the infrastructure that may foster the emergence of a renewed agricultural economy (agricultural economy also includes products derived from the farm), equipping a modern covered market. The existing lack of appropriate safety certifications and sanitation so we can not grant new concessions for sale.
By raising this important infrastructure in our community, they would all the benefits of the "Market Country Girls" lasting and stable, and allow recovery of the most important resource of our economy: agriculture.
PS For the most critical consideration regarding my advise to write "Market Hall" on a search engine to realize how many resources, because of its crucial importance in the local economy, many cities' Italy invest in this infrastructure.