Sunday, March 21, 2010

Breastfeeding To Old Man

Mistero Buffo " Country Market Friend "and the need for a covered market

The electoral campaign has quietly passed the initiative by the Coldiretti "Market Friendly Country ", but it deserves careful consideration by both the citizens, mainly from the candidates in the upcoming municipal. The initiative provides Every Saturday, the direct sale of agricultural products in Piazza Umberto I from 08,30 to 13,00. The objectives that "The market Country Girls" aims are: to ensure the authenticity and quality, shorten the supply chain focusing on energy saving, cost saving in expenditure.
But who pays attention to the local economy is aware that agriculture is the largest locally available resources, needs to be rethought, revamped and relaunched.
By now the two most important agricultural crops, olives and grapes, seem to be more commercially competitive, so much so that sales prices do not guarantee the manufacturer nor the costs incurred. So what can be done to make the most important resource of the area can continue to support the local economy? What should the policy for the revival of agricultural entrepreneurship?
policy must first create the infrastructure that may foster the emergence of a renewed agricultural economy (agricultural economy also includes products derived from the farm), equipping a modern covered market. The existing lack of appropriate safety certifications and sanitation so we can not grant new concessions for sale.
By raising this important infrastructure in our community, they would all the benefits of the "Market Country Girls" lasting and stable, and allow recovery of the most important resource of our economy: agriculture.

PS For the most critical consideration regarding my advise to write "Market Hall" on a search engine to realize how many resources, because of its crucial importance in the local economy, many cities' Italy invest in this infrastructure.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Do You Have To Wear A Thong For Dress?

Latimer: impressions and reflections from the campaign

The election campaign is half-way, but most of the work of "promotion" of candidates has already been done. The effective technique of "home more house" has been widely used by astute, so others do not hear is that motivation, even among other requirements, because most of citizenship has already decided to vote for this doctor, or that responsible health care, or entrepreneur. The reasons for these choices has nothing in common with the city administration or with the election program, and although it contains something unusually funny, give rise to serious reflection.
First, the campaign can be sketched as a kind of hunting in the vote, which is held between the candidate and the electorate-prey. The first "target" of the candidate are the elderly, who are still "the land of conquest" of doctors. This part of the electorate does not hide his choice and even less motivation, which is linked to health reasons. We would object to them "and how do we improve the future for decades if the same rated doctor?" But then you look at them and realize that they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe very near future and then you know it's useless to try to convince them.
Then there are the parents of children of working age but unemployed and, of course, the unemployed (including the workers to look black). This kind of voters are "prey" favorite public administrations and private entrepreneurs (including those responsible for pseudo-co-op), for which the campaign is a series of promises of jobs to permanent and temporary, continuing a young system in the world of work. Some young people, especially if it has had a large family, is already working on the campaign trail, too bad that after the election ends also work.
Another slice of the electorate, those who have retired relatively young (who have no health problems) and laborers, and conquered the trade union offices linked to the agricultural world, the so-called "charitable" and where, as they say my neighbors, 'they make the cards "that, for those unfamiliar with our dialect, could suggest to agencies witches.
But more puzzling that I have heard in this campaign is that of an acquaintance of mine, whose virile machismo explained to me that he decided to vote for a particular candidate because he gave a hand to his mistress to work (It's love affair) in a cooperative.
women voters deserve special mention that unlike the males did not elaborate on unnecessary explanations, so, even if in a hurry, you listen, take the "saint" and go away, leaving behind an air of mystery.
There would then educated young people, but if these are not children of wealthy professionals, and therefore already politically oriented, no longer live in Latimer.
talk about my campaign, in this frame almost comical but real enables me to make reflections on the serious consequences that this implies a behavior of the electorate. It is clear that the electoral programs - before the reality reported - are paper, and in any event or special skills in the administration of public affairs and daily commitment or commitment to reporting deficiencies or failures are evidence that the mass electoral considered. Latimer - say voters / ici-and candidate needs a change, but according to suscritte signs, as well as a well-known intellectual latianese said, " I do not see anything new on the horizon .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can Crystal Meth Cause Interstitial Cystitis

Latimer, March 8, 2010: women in electoral lists and the CIS Karibuni

Among the many courses attended in my early youth, I remember that of an eccentric professor of law, that at times when the Constitution was to teach the rudiments preferred to speak of his impressions and beliefs about life. The lawyer, so we called him, was a native of Messina, divorced and with a strong resentment towards women, and his lectures were almost exclusively as an argument the other sex. Just to understand what relationship the lawyer had with women ended every speech with the words spoken in Sicilian Strait " tantu Fimmina up." The highly derogatory phrase, meaning "not to pay attention to what they say both are females," explained the role women had in the world of that lawyer.

But leaving these memories in my 18 years, and returning to the present day, concediamoci some reflections on the role that she has today, even as we celebrate the March 8, in political life. We can have an address by looking at the lists prepared by latianesi parties to campaign under way.

Candidates for the seat of mayor, course, all three are males, and Latimer, in his history, has never had a female mayor.
about the lists of candidates for City Council, is that women are on average 11%, the group with more women and I SUD (4 out of 14 candidates), but are completely absent in the PDL. This framework for equality between the sexes, it is really distressing because there is a part of the electorate are not sufficiently represented, and with it their needs are not represented in the female world. Childcare, welfare to facilitate women during pregnancy, support measures women's empowerment in the world of work must be presented and represented by women. In fact, until today Latimer, given the strong male presence in politics, these measures were entirely absent from political agendas, and both citarvi one of many cases, women who have an infant, due to the lack of a kindergarten communal nest, or give up work or the need to rely on private hospitals charge.
Personally I do not think forcing the shares rose may be a solution, but that the parties must still give more voice to women, as women without the waiver policy to represent at least half of society and the needs associated with it, also with 'exclusion of women giving up a big chunk of the available human resources.

Fortunately, the condition of women in Latimer is not only found by the electoral roll, because there are associations in terms of female representation would dwarf the Scandinavian world. Karibuni is the case, a voluntary association, which is internally consists of 8 women and 2 men, and having a board of four women and one man. The reality of the program Karibuni to understand what is required of women in the world of politics (politics, moreover, is a feminine noun).

From these elements we understand that women, in terms of emancipation, have a long way to go, but if they give political representation to this journey is even longer. It is not enough, the evening of 8 March, to participate in one of the many balls for women, or to watch a striptease to the Full Monty to be emancipated, emancipation, such as freedom, is a journey on the path of the rights that only laws and therefore the policy can provide. Around us, are still too many clues that continue to remember the words of the lawyer: " tantu Fimmina up."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Wall Color Goes With Cherry Floor

Document: Mafia and the ruling class are the weaknesses of the South

Twenty years after the publication of the document development in solidarity. Italian Church and
Mezzogiorno, the Italian Bishops' Conference has wanted to resume the debate on the path of solidarity in our country, through a new document entitled For a country united. Italian Church and noon ( 20un%%% 20Paese 20solidale.pdf ). The latter document states that ' may, in fact, worsening weakness and deepening old rooted limits, which threaten to isolate the South cut off from large development processes . But what they mean by the prelates of the CEI for "old weaknesses? The weakness
best known, is organized crime, which continues to "dictate the timing and pace of the economy and politics southern 'and, continues the document of the CEI," became the medium of any type of brokerage and undermining the country's democratic system, because the underworld control of the territory in fact leads to a seriously restricted, if not all'esautoramento, the governmental and public bodies, encouraging the growth of corruption, collusion and extortion, altering the labor market, manipulating contracts, interfering in land use decisions and the system permissions and licenses, thus contaminating entire country "

On that game the other disaster of the South: the ruling class, which increasingly serves the first plague, if not determined by it .
At this point the conversation of bishops becomes political and planning, and through the address "Ecclesial communities", we want to carry a message both to the institutions (including political parties) and to citizens. A message that aims to recover the right path both from the standpoint of morality, but also of solidarity and courage.
In other words, the bishops believe that in the south it is time to create a utopian project (eu-topos), in which political parties and citizens (voters) could be the perpetrators.
I think it is very difficult for political parties may be the authors of the era advocated by the CEI. In fact, the parties, in hungry search for funding to strengthen its role in the arena of power, have come to be absorbed by the malaise that corrupts our society, so much to find it in your food. It is a testament to the yardstick by which candidates are selected within the electoral roll, even in a simple local competition, where there are no political or administrative skills to determine their choice, but so-called "numbers" (meaning I hope that you have provided, the voters were not even a flock of sheep under the command of a pastor / candidate), and / or financial resources to obtain (buy) a good result. This reality, then projected on the macro level, is the basis of the various ills that lives in our country, as reported by the same document For a country solidale.Chiesa Italian and South .
At this point should be the citizens to make the change of direction that the CEI hopes, but voters are ready to give a strong signal, even against the malaise produced by the policy, already by the next election?
Personally I do not know. While I am certain that to achieve this, as well as the courage urged by the bishops, should recover to address some of the figures in society, a sort of social intelligentsia. And as discussed in the previous post, the intellectuals are those who may be the only ones who can address the citizens, and among these also include pastors whose parishes, moreover, are always efficient electoral committees.
concluded by saying that the current political-economic system, especially in the South, as reported by the bishops' document, has a precarious balance which would result from dropping a serious threat to democracy and the values \u200b\u200bit represents. Therefore it is necessary that people fall into the possession of the key role they have within our society, making choices that you dare election, as well as the CEI contends, "the courage of hope,"