Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Is High Frequency Facial

Latimer: Ecopacifisti out of the Board and City Council of Minister Gelmini

Today is Sunday, a sunny Sunday in May. Just wake up, remind me of my girls go and buy croissants and later must go to "Welcome Back Spring". Breakfast, take a look at newspapers and in the news this morning there is also Latimer, "the Board, except for taking Ecopacifisti protests and controversy." According to the press release seems to have wanted to keep out of the City Council and the newly arrived persons belonging to the group on the list Ecopacifisti "Left to Latimer." The rumors about this "political boycott" circulating in the country for several days and some hidden charges everything to a director of "old fox" policy back on the wave with the last elections. Talk of the country or truth?
remember, however, that when I was part of a certain group of "moderates", plus current Ecopacifisti allies, there were those who appealed Ecopacifisti with the derogatory term of "Taliban" because of their consistency at certain values-political baggage of their history-making them very malleable, or rather intransigent, certain policies of "accommodation". This quality of Ecopacifisti, within a framework of political correctness, should be un'aggregante and not discriminatory, it is incomprehensible that the current exclusion.
At this point it is appropriate that the Mayor De Giorgi, suggesting a much-vaunted administrative transparency in the election campaign, please citizenship has been operated on why certain choices, thus putting to silence protests and controversy.
But today is Sunday, a beautiful Sunday in May and would be almost a shame to spoil the day with these events. So I affectionately greet friends with a Ecopacifisti stolen an old advertising phrase, where the actor Luca De Filippo pretending to speak with a mysterious professor, advised him how to digest "heavy food" in Naples and concluded: " Uliveto, professed .


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