Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full Sew In With Side Bang


The Norman church of St Mary's Mill, with the 'attached Basilian monastery was built in the last decades of the' XI century, was inaugurated in 1092 and entrusted to the Basilian monks with a donation of Count Roger the Norman, which he buried his son Jordan, who died in battle near Syracuse.
This building was now an important center of religious and political 'area, encouraging the development of important economic activities such as silk production, the cultivation of land and the milling of wheat. Development of these activities is linked to the birth of the first settlements of Upper Mill (now Mill St. Peter's) and then Mili San Marco and Larderia Bottom. In 1866, following the revolutionary laws of the State unit, the monastery and the church were purchased from the State, the monastery was sold to individuals, mind, the church is still the fund's assets Temples of the Ministry of the Interior.

This is one of the earliest evidence of history, not only of the villages in the south, but 's entire city of Messina. In recent years, thanks to 'sustained efforts of the boys' association LAG Mili San Pietro, were carried out some restoration work in 1982, 2002 and 2006.
Ionian''''Our association, which is in charge of recovery and valorization of the history of the 'art and traditions of the villages in the area south of Messina, will attract the' attention on 'the current situation in terms' area where there is the Church. Four years after the 'last renovated in fact, the scenario is presented to the visitor is made of: grass, dirt and monastery in complete structural decay. E ' also clear, as has not yet been assigned to no destiny 'whole' s former Abbey of St. Peter's Mill.
There are numerous proposals of our own and other groups and individuals active in the area, all designed to restore dignity to this' important historic heritage. We at 'association Ionian''''believe, therefore, an urgent maintenance of the Norman Church of Santa Maria, at the same time, proceed to' development of a plan sivluppo and management for the 'whole area. It 'also important that the redevelopment and revitalization taking into account the requests and proposals from associations and other relevant representatives of the people and most importantly, which is aimed at 'launch of a promotion of cultural development, tourism and economic for the community of Mill St. Peter and in general for the' whole of the area south of the city of Messina.


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