Friday, September 17, 2010

What To Do With The Sock After Masterbation


With this news, the Club of the Democratic Party Contesse Spadaro Pippo''''intends to submit to 'care of' municipal administration of Messina, the situation of chaos and danger faced in the main thoroughfares of fractions Contesse, Minissale and Village UNRRA.
The streets of Via Marco Polo, Via Consular Valeria, Via Contesse Calispera Street and the stretch of State Road 114 from La Rosa off to 4.700 km, are captured daily by traffic jams, huge trucks, long and exhausting lines at any time of day. I will have the most critical periods during peak hours, when poured into the street workers and students who come from different school buildings in the area. To complete the picture, cars parked at every corner, even to prevent the passage of pedestrians and to cause major disruption to the elderly and disabled.
Some situations are unacceptable and lead us to take in 'a more immediate and constant presence of Traffic Police, often absent.

Our club, having long since revealed the inefficiency and the danger of the roads connecting the district II, has made known several proposals for solving the problem. For example, coverage of the river San Filippo, who would dispose of the movement of cars and particularly heavy goods vehicles from the industrial and commercial activities. This solution also would provide the territory of a further connection with the junction of San Filippo.

Possible to find resources to act on the problems of traffic in the territory of circoscrzione II, the town of Messina, has the receipts of the famous''''Ecopass. The amounts resulting from this measure, as stated in 'order''will be allocated to implement the operations, services and works related to the functionality of the system and the mobility improvement of environmental conditions and general livability of the city relating to traffic and urban mobility.''

The circle''Goofy''Spadaro will continue with other requests for emergency measures and other proposals, also showing the 'opportunity' s launch of a comparison table between the main protagonists in the territory, so to be studied once and for all problem of the viability of the second division.

Club of the Democratic Party of Contessa''Goofy''Spadaro
Ivan Mirko Stanislao Tornese
(Coordinator, mob. 3479659394)
Domenico Restuccia
(vice-coordinator, cell. 3403079392) Ciccio

Gallo (District II Director, cell. 3478855804)


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